What a day! The magic started two minutes into the drive, when we had a surprise wildebeest crossing at a different river to the usual Mara River. Upward of 10,000 wildebeest made the early morning crossing, exiting the tight river crossing mere meters away from where we were photographing the action. We had a good sessions with a cheetah and two cubs, loads of elephants and an excess of the Mara’s antelope – we even spotted our first leopard of the safari.
Major sightings of the day:
- 2 Wildebeest crossings (the largest crossing with over 10,000 wildebeest)
- Cheetah and 2 cubs
- Male cheetah
- Elephant
- Leopard cub (around 6 months)
- Herds of zebra
- Bat-eared foxes
- Warthogs and piglets