The Tiger Safari 2014: Day 1

Starting off the safari with 2 tigers is always a good thing!  We found the first female tiger walking along one of the big lakes late on the morning safari, and the second young female tiger early in the afternoon.  She was a little more shy, and stayed a little deeper in the bushes, but as always, we managed to sneak a few photographs in.  The langur monkeys were out and about, as well as the spotted and sambar deers.  Our bird list also got off to a good start with a couple of kingfishers, an osprey and a spotted owlet.

Major sightings of the day:

  • 2 different female tigers
  • Sambar deer
  • Spotted Deer
  • Many different types of birds

To join us on safari, click here!

The Tiger Safari 2014

We are just a few short weeks away from the Tiger Safari 2014!  With all the excitement from last years safari still fresh in our memories, I cannot wait to see what these magnificent cats have in store for us this year.  Keep an eye on the blog for our day-to-day updates which as always, will include a selection of images taken on the day.

Have a look at the video from last years safari to give you a good idea of what to expect, and keep in mind that there are not many spaces available of the 2015 safari, so be sure to book early to guarantee your opportunity to see and photograph wild bengal tigers!

To join us on safari, click here!

The Tiger Safari 2013: Day 7

The final day of this amazing safari started off with great excitement, as we saw the first of four new mammals for the safari, a leopard walking along the wall of the fort.  The other new species of mammal were the Indian gazelle, the rhesus macaque and a golden jackal.  We had no luck with the tigers, but did find a fresh tiger kill; an unlucky spotted deer.

Overall we saw 6 different tigers, a sloth bear, leopard, golden jackal, several species of mammals, and over 100 different bird species!  I am already counting down the days until The Tiger Safari 2014!

Major sightings of the day:

  • Leopard
  • Golden jackal
  • Nilgai or blue bull
  • Samba deer
  • Spotted deer
  • Langur monkeys
  • Indian spotted owlet
  • Many different bird species

The Tiger Safari 2013: Day 6

An absolutely amazing bit of luck saw us face to face to with a (very difficult to find) sloth bear!   This fantastic bear was going about its business when it noticed us, and to the extreme joy of the cameras, stood up and had a good look at us.  Great shots of the sloth bear were the definite highlight of the day, and a very entertaining hour with a large family of langur monkeys was a close second.

Major sightings of the day:

  • Sloth bear
  • Nilgai or blue bull
  • Spotted deer
  • Wild boar
  • Crested serpent eagle
  • Many species of birds

The Tiger Safari 2013: Day 5

The tigers were playing the game again today, giving us a brief, but wonderful sighting.  As usual, the day was also filled with the regulars, but we did manage to get a good look at a nilgai, or blue bull – the largest of the antelope in this area.

Major sightings of the day:

  • Tigress
  • Nilgai or blue bull
  • Samba deer
  • Spotted deer
  • Wild boar
  • Many different bird species