The Tiger Safari 2014: Day 2

This is what it is all about!  Four different tigers, and each one giving us fantastic photo opportunities.  We started off with an adult female tiger who was lying next to her spotted deer kill.  We spent most of the morning with her, photographing her dragging the kill around, and nibbling at it from time to time.  The second tiger, was another large female who we happened upon on the way out. She was moving along one of the big lakes, right out in the open. Fantastic! The afternoon started in much the same way with our first large male tiger of the safari.  He was very relaxed and basically posed for us for a good half hour, before moving off into the bush.  We had just left the park when we found number 4 for the day.  She was crossing the main road just outside the gate, and walked alongside us for a short while.  It is never a bad day when you get to photograph 4 different tigers!

Major sightings of the day:

  • 4 different tiger sightings, 1 female on a spotted deer kill
  • Spotted deer
  • Sambar deer
  • Marsh crocodiles
  • Many different bird species

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The Tiger Safari 2014: Day 1

Starting off the safari with 2 tigers is always a good thing!  We found the first female tiger walking along one of the big lakes late on the morning safari, and the second young female tiger early in the afternoon.  She was a little more shy, and stayed a little deeper in the bushes, but as always, we managed to sneak a few photographs in.  The langur monkeys were out and about, as well as the spotted and sambar deers.  Our bird list also got off to a good start with a couple of kingfishers, an osprey and a spotted owlet.

Major sightings of the day:

  • 2 different female tigers
  • Sambar deer
  • Spotted Deer
  • Many different types of birds

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Botswana: Okavango Delta Safari 2013: Day 10

The mood is always a little bit sombre on the final morning, but was picked up substantially by a great surprise – a rare sable antelope.  A large male sable popped out of the bushes right next to us, and then had the courtesy to let us follow him for a good 20 minutes!  After the sable had left us, we went back to see what the situation was with the leopard and her tsessebe kill.  She had brought the kill down the tree and was quietly munching away on the floor, giving us a good clear view.  A wattled crane and 2 large herds of elephants with little babies drinking sealed off a great safari!

Major sightings of the day:

  • Sable antelope
  • Female leopard feeding on kill
  • Wattled crane
  • 2 large herds of elephants drinking

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Botswana: Okavango Delta Safari 2013: Day 9

Leopards ruled the day, in particular, a female leopard who was working her way slowly through a baby tsessebe kill.  She was up and down different trees, giving us great opportunities to photograph her.  We also got to spend around 2 hours with 3 large male lions, who were on the move.  In between all the cat action, we saw elephants numbering in the hundreds!  Good bird sightings as well as great general game rounded off a fantastic day.

Major sightings of the day:

  • Female leopard in tree with kill
  • 3 male lions
  • Hundreds of elephants
  • Good general game
  • Female leopard

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Botswana: Okavango Delta Safari 2013: Day 8

A day that starts with 17 wild dogs chasing 3 hyenas is never really going to be a bad day!  This action was all on our way to enjoy an amazing makoro experience. These traditional canoes take you quietly through the waters of the Okavango Delta, giving you a close-up look at the smaller animals.  A large herd of buffalo met us at the end of the makoro experience, quickly followed by a herd of elephants.  The day closed off with a female leopard in a tree with a kill and a relaxed african wild cat.

Major sightings of the day:

  • 17 wild dogs (8 pups) chasing 3 hyena
  • Large herd of buffalo
  • Herd of elephants drinking
  • Good general game
  • Small herd of elephants
  • Female leopard with kill in tree
  • African wild cat

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